MSCA@KU – Koç University Hosting Offers for MSCA-PF-2024


Dear researchers,

On this page, we are compiling and updating Koç University’s current hosting offers for the “MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships” call (deadline 11.9.2024). You will also be able to access general introductory material about Koç University and its research environment here. For basic information about the 2024 MSCA-PF call, please go to our dedicated page. If you are seeking a supervisor but are unable to find a match with our current offers, reach us at Each offer listed here will direct you to a EURAXESS announcement. Please read the supervisors’ offer carefully. Let us know if you have any queries about Koç University in general and its research infrastructure in particular.

  • Click for an overview presentation on the university (here is more campus information).
  • Here is our international recruitment video.
  • A KU video series, “Researcher’s Roadmap“; and another series of talks with KU researchers is here.


Physical and Engineering Sciences

  • Koç University Nanofabrication and Nanocharacterization Center for Advanced and Scientific Research (n2STAR): offer; website
  • Medical Image Analysis Laboffer; website
  • Koç University-Is Bank AI Center (KUIS AI): offer; website
  • Process Systems Engineering Group: offer; website
  • Distributed Systems and Reliable Networks Research Laboffer; website
  • Soft & Active Materials Lab: offer 1; offer 2; website
  • Mechanical Characterization Laboratory: offer; website
  • Magnonic and Photonic Devices Research Group: offer 1 (biosensor panels for future pandemics and emerging public health issues); offer 2 (2D nanoelectronic and spintronic materials and devices); offer 3 (2D quantum emitters and silicon photonic integrated devices); website
  • Wireless Network Lab: offer; website
  • Microphotonics Research Laboratory: offer; website

Social Sciences and Humanities

  • InfodemiLab: offer; website 
  • Center for Research on Globalization, Peace and Democratic Governance (GLODEM): offer; website 
  • Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Research Lab: offer; website 
  • Koç University Vehbi Koç Ankara Studies Research Center (VEKAM): offer; website 

Life Sciences