29ERC Projects, Leader in Türkiye
24million € H2020 (1st university)
17.65million € Horizon Europe (2024)
1420projects (2004-22)
1.6billion TL total R&D
Koç University Sponsored Research Office (SRO) was established in 2022 as a research support unit attached to the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation.

SRO’s main mission is to support the efforts of Koç University faculty to bring in research funding. SRO provides the following services that cover all aspects from idea/project development to proposal submission in all relevant international and national sponsored research and innovation programs and industry collaborations:

  • We multiply information regarding funding opportunities.
  • We manage a repository of guidelines for successful proposal development.
  • We provide direct support to individual faculty for matching their research needs with sponsors and sponsored programs.
  • We work one-on-one with faculty during proposal writing. This includes guidance in administrative aspects including HR issues and budget preparation (in parallel with the support provided by PMO).
  • We manage the preparation of consortium agreements and project contracts.
  • We support the development of research and innovation strategies at Koç University.

This website includes a set of very useful guidelines for different categories of sponsored programs. We encourage you to check out our content and our document repository. You can always contact our team regarding your research support needs.